Woman Arrested After The Weed She Sold Made 30 People Commit Suicide

Latasha Purrington

HARRISBURG – Woman was selling marijuana that sent more than 30 people to hospital emergency rooms for overdoses.

Latasha Purrington had 19 bags of marijuana in various packaging, including one labeled “Mr. Big Shot” and packaged as potpourri, when police and drug agents searched her home.

Purrington admitted the marijuana was hers and that she sells it, the criminal complaint states.

Marsico said some of those who overdosed and cooperated with investigators claimed that after smoking Mr. Big Shot, their heart rate increased to a point they believed it was going to come out of their chest. They told authorities that they became delirious, vomited, felt invincible, contemplated suicide.

The victims believed they would have died if not for first responders and hospital staff, Marsico said.

Marsico said several samples are at the Pennsylvania State Police Laboratory for analysis.

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