Rhino has 96-hour-long erection after teenagers feed it Viagra

A southern white rhino has been in full-blown erection for over 96 hours at the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park officials report.

Arjuna, a thirteen-year-old male rhinoceros, caught zoo employees’ attention after sustaining an erection for more than several days.

The animals bright, huge and red genitals have become a popular sight and a visitor favorite since the word spread on social media.

“The number of visitors to the zoo has exploded in the past few days. They just can’t get enough of it!” a San Diego Zoo employee commented.

Many on social media have even taken to nickname the animal Rhino Jeremy, in reference to Ron Jeremy, a legendary pornographic film actor.

It is not known how long the young male rhinoceros will stay in erection, but surveillance camera footage showed what is believed to be an apple filled with Viagra pills being thrown at him by a group of teenagers.

The animal’s sexual appetite has also exploded confirm zoo employees who have recorded Arjuna and three female rhinos copulating an estimated 188 times in the past 96 hours.

Veterinarian Helen Sue Fisher believes the amount of Viagra ingested should not give the animal on the endangered species list any long-term complications.

“For sure being horny 24 hours a day might get exhausting but a few days of rest and he’ll be fine,” she told reporters, visibly amused by the whole situation.

The San Diego Police Department has launched an official investigation into the matter but no suspects have been apprehended at the moment.

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