Bruce Jenner Says “Men Are Better At Everything, Including Being A Woman” And Named “Women Of The Year”

woman of the year

Los Angeles – Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner will be honored with this year’s “Women Of The Year” which marks the 25th anniversary of Glamour bestowing the honor.

Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner who will be featured on the cover of Glamour magazine as “Woman of the Year” that’s two awards in 1 year Bruce Jenner was also given an award for courage after deciding he wanted to become a woman.

“Now women around the world can’t complain about how hard it is to be a woman because obviously its not that hard” say Caitlyn Jenner.

Criticisms are already piling up from women who find the choice of Jenner to be demeaning, and are falling into two main camps. First, out of all the real women in the world, could Glamour not find one worthy of the title of Woman of the Year without needing to fish in the male pool.

But what does this all really mean? It means that men are better than women at everything including being a woman.


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